法国国王查理六世时期(1418年)因英国百年战争的战火开始蔓延。列·索拉瓦一个在法国维尼小镇的普通的家具工匠,随着百年战争被应召入伍,加入布列莱骑士第四军团。 布列莱爵士是一位及其才华与品味的“战争艺术家”。在布列莱爵士看来艺术是件让人愉快的高品位感官享受,战争结束后布列莱爵士建立了自己的城堡,一套彰显身份与荣耀的家具成了爵士需要解决的 而不知道从什么时候起因为装点了“凯旋”系列家具 的布列莱爵士府邸被称为“凯旋宫”。布列莱爵士的“凯旋宫”成就了列·索拉瓦的盛名,为纪念手下第一套家具与布列莱爵士的赏识。 列·索拉瓦遂将自身家具品牌命名为日后在法国上层名流权极具感染力的“皇家·凯旋宫”。
French King Charles VII (1418) because of the British war began to spread. A large furniture artisan in the town of Pooh in France, with a hundred years of war was called into the army, joined the Corps Knights of the Fourth Corps. Sir Breller is a \\\\\\\"war artist\\\\\\\" with talent and taste. In the opinion of Sir Breller, the art is a delightful high-grade sensory enjoyment. After the war, Sir Breller established his own castle, and a set of elements that showed identity and glory became a jazz And do not know from when the cause of the decorating the \\\\\\\"triumph\\\\\\\" series of furniture, Sir Breller House known as the \\\\\\\"Triumph Palace.\\\\\\\" Sir Breller\\\\\\\'s \\\\\\\"Triumph Palace\\\\\\\" has been famous for herself, and to commemorate the appreciation of the first set of furniture and Sir Breller. Leo Surava then named his own furniture brand in the future in the upper class of French elite highly appealing \\\\\\\"Royal Triumph Palace.\\\\\\\"